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Austin Corso

Engineering Leader, Life-long Learner, Outdoor Enthusiast

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The Economics of Multi-sided Market Design and Matching Theory |

Market Design is the economic study of designing marketplaces to achieve specific desired outcomes using different mechanisms or rules. Auction Theory, Matching Theory, and Game Theory are related areas of study, with Auction Theory focusing on using prices to influence market outcomes, Matching Theory focusing on finding the maximal outcome of pairs of mutually-interested participants in a market, and Game Theory focusing on optimizing decision-making of independent competing actors. Marketplaces are distinct from centralized planning in that the market participants themselves make the decisions as opposed to a centralized planning system making the decisions. Marketplaces can be seen everywhere in our lives from in nature in how animals mate, to the traditional stock exchange clearinghouse where a buyer and seller are matched at an optimal price point, to auctions like that of radio spectrum to telecom providers, to modern online job boards, websites like Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist, and Airbnb, and gig-economy apps likes DoorDash and Uber.

We’ll go over Market Design and Matching Theory, four historic examples, what causes markets to fail, and finally the principles of good Market Design.

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Software Architecture - Mapping, Navigation, and ETA System |

Mapping and navigation functionality is all around us today, from dedicated applications such as Google Maps and Apple Maps to applications with built-in mapping capabilities like Uber, Lyft, Yelp, and DoorDash. These applications provide users the ability to see where they are located, their surroundings, geographical search functionality, and often both the route to a given location and an estimated time of arrival (ETA). The technology to support this geospatial functionality is complex and specialized. Here we will design our very own mapping, navigation, and ETA software solution supporting billions of users and hundreds of millions of points of interest.

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Graph Theory and Shortest-Path Routing Algorithms |

There are multiple classes of geospatial and routing algorithms within Graph Theory, each designed for different use-cases from finding the shortest-path between a single start and end location, to generating permutations of optimal routes covering all nodes in the network, to optimizing graphs through graph transformation, and many more. For example, one of the most famous problems in graph theory is the Four-Color-Problem, determining the possibility of coloring a map with just four colors where no region borders another region with colored the same color. In this article, we will focus on the shortest-path class of algorithms with a single start location as it is fundamental to the mapping navigation and ETA system we will build in a future architecture series article.

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Geospatial Indexing |

Maps are used in software applications all the time - from routing when driving, to ordering takeout, to finding new parks in town. These applications provide users the ability to search for geographic points of interest in a specific geospatial area. To support mapping functionality in a performant manner, understanding approaches to optimally store this geospatial data is critical. In this article we cover seven approaches to storing geospatial data.

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  • Software Architecture - Metrics and Alarms Monitoring System | Read (16 mins) >
  • Software Architecture - Payments System | Read (15 mins) >
  • Software Architecture - Hotel Reservation Booking System | Read (15 mins) >
  • HTTP/3 with QUIC and TLS-1.3 | Read (11 mins) >
  • Software Architecture - Translations Service & Clients | Read (12 mins) >

Featured Projects

Amazon Flex

Amazon Flex


Distributed backend system design, implementation, and launch across 4 sub-systems including: Precompute, Deferred Resolution, Personalized Targeting, and Offer Vending.


Airbnb Notifications and Messaging Platform


New modern backend to support realtime notifications and messaaging built on top of Websockets, Kotlin, Redis, GraphQL Subscriptions, and React.

Nike App Personalized Feed


Backend system architecture for personalized user feeds on the Nike App including product recommendations, authored content by featured athletes, and social functionality.

Nike GraphQL Multi-Tenant Platform


Multi-org platform exposing a common set of stateless aggregation gateways on top of Nike’s hundreds of microservice APIs, enabling a variety of unique clients to define their exact data schema requirements across services in a declarative query. This improved time-to-market through thinner clients with reduced network calls and data orchestration; no more overhead to build and support one-off aggregation layers; reusable functionality; and improved client performance by reducing the number and size of network calls required for client-applications.

Nike.com Containerization and API Service Blueprint


Organizational strategy, best practices, and blueprint for containerization. Service modernization into the containerized cloud across 12 backend and frontend teams. Service template with component library and custom service-generataion CLI improving time to market. Weekly internal-community-organized meetup to evolve the inner-open-source monorepo project library.

Faster deployments (5x), quicker scaling (5x), and more frequent deployments (8x). Improved infrastructure utilization, improved integration testing with environment parity, and improved UAT testing with deployments of N-number of unique branches.

Nike Retail Auth


Foundational authentication and authorization service enabling retail employees worldwide to use their regional point-of-sale (POS) credentials as SSO to access hundreds of cloud-based Nike Digital APIs. Implemented independently adhering to OAuth and OpenID-Connect standards to provide JWT-credentials with extensive penetration-testing and multi-region failover (disaster recovery).

Nike Retail Touchscreens


An "Endless Aisle" – interactive retail touchscreens enabling customers to browse .COM product, facilitate checkout, and provide mapping/sign-up for Nike events. Deployed worldwide across 100+ Nike retail locations, 3 continents, and 4 languages.

Implementation involved an Electron/NodeJS-based touchscreen platform providing seamless integration, inter-app navigation, and messaging between multiple independently developed web applications; several JavaScript (React/Redux/NodeJS) touch-screen web apps; and high-availability/scalability AWS architecture with canary continous-delivery.

Department of Energy


Multi-office platform built on the Drupal 7 framework providing a web presence for over 60 offices. Streamlined automation scripts with Jenkins. Mapbox integration for rich visualizations. Sophisticated publication workflow for reviewing of content with minimal developer assistance. Responsive design for a quality experience across a wide range of devices. Multi-region failover.

Phone Call Notes


Android Java mobile app giving users the ability to take notes on phone call conversations, mapped to contacts. Google Play Store with hundreds of downloads and a 5-star average review.



Drupal 6 platform with accompanying Angular / Cordova mobile app for iOS and Android. Serves the half-a-million strong Bass Anglers Sportsman Society.



Full-stack software development to expand IRS website with various functional, content, and UI changes.

and many more...